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Is Our Office the Best Place for You?

Is Our Office the Best Place for You?

Is Our Office the Best Place for You? Is Our Office the Best Place for You? There are a lot of options when seeking health care.  Many people want to get to know the doctor and office before making their decision.  Our goal is always to serve people to the best of our...

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Irregular Heartbeats and Chiropractic

Irregular Heartbeats and Chiropractic

Irregular Heartbeats and Chiropractic Irregular Heartbeats and Chiropractic This new research showed resolution of cardiac arrhythmia in two patients under chiropractic care! The heartbeat returning to a normal pattern can be attributed to the restoration of balance...

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San Jose Strong

San Jose Strong

San Jose StrongSan Jose StrongOur community has taken a hit during this pandemic and shelter in place. Some of our favorite businesses may never open their doors ever again. In San Jose alone, we have one of the highest rates of business closures since March according...

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What Pillow Should I Sleep On?

What Pillow Should I Sleep On?

What Pillow Should I Sleep On? What Pillow Should I Sleep On? We get asked all the time by patients what type of pillow they should be sleeping on through the night. Of course the position we sleep in is very important in this conversation. Ideally we are sleeping on...

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7 ACL Tears in a Weekend?!

7 ACL Tears in a Weekend?!

7 ACL Tears in a Weekend?!7 ACL Tears in a Weekend?!I am so glad that NFL football is back! It sure feels different this year though, for multiple reasons. Right now, it seems injuries are happening at an alarming rate in the NFL. Even before the season started, it...

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Get Up and Move!

Get Up and Move!

Get Up and Move! Get Up and Move! It’s easy to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle. Especially when we are at home taking care of our loved ones. It’s just as important to take care of ourselves so that we can be at our best for the people that rely on us. I’ve been...

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How NOT to Catch the Coronavirus

How NOT to Catch the Coronavirus

How NOT to Catch the CoronavirusHow NOT to Catch the CoronavirusDid you know the most important factor in whether or not you will get sick from any little germ is how capable your body is a fighting off invaders? Its all about the strength of your immune system.Here's...

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Not to See is to Guess!

Not to See is to Guess!

our blogNot to See is to Guess!Not to see is to guess! When a dentist evaluate teeth, it’s not just symptoms, look and feel. Most of the time they take X-rays in order to see the structures on the inside as well. This is because X-rays give the doctor information they...

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The Science of Chiropractic is Simple!

The Science of Chiropractic is Simple!

our blogThe Science of Chiropractic is Simple!The science of chiropractic is actually quite simple. It is based on fundamental truths of life and formed into an application for healthcare. It all starts with homeostasis. Homeostasis is a tendency towards stability in...

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Finding Balance

Finding Balance

our blogFinding BalanceLife can be viewed a constant attempt to achieve balance. Work with leisure. Career with family. Friends with responsibility. Joy with sadness. Stress with recovery. Mental with physical. One’s self with everybody else. Yin with the yang. And...

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Stop Looking Down at Your Screens!

Stop Looking Down at Your Screens!

our blogStop Looking Down at Your Screens!We talk a lot in our office about posture and how it relates to someone holding their spinal alignment. The spine is a masterfully designed system of interconnected vertebra, perfectly fit together in order to provide dynamic...

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Guest Blog Week – Stress Eating

Guest Blog Week – Stress Eating

our blogGuest Blog Week - Stress EatingLet’s Talk About Stress There is a lot of talk about stress these days, and with good reason. Stress not only affects us on a physical level but also on an emotional, cellular level. In fact, which of these types of stress are...

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A Solution After 15 yrs of Migraines

A Solution After 15 yrs of Migraines

our blogA Solution After 15 yrs of MigrainesA recent study told the story of a woman who had migraines and headaches that woke her from her sleep. She also had nausea and skin rashes. It would be hard for many to imagine the impact this would have on one’s quality of...

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Is Your World Spinning Around You?

Is Your World Spinning Around You?

our blogIs Your World Spinning Around You?Vertigo can be quite a debilitating condition to deal with. Different from dizziness, vertigo gives the sensation that the environment is moving around us, even when everything is stationary. Not only can there be multiple...

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our blogRunning on FumesIf you could have more energy without caffeine or drugs, what could you do with that extra energy? Spend better quality time with the family? Be more successful in your career? Have more opportunities for hobbies or vacations? There is a...

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Around the Bend

Around the Bend

our blogAround the BendScoliosis is an abnormal curvature that develops in the spine, usually in childhood. You may remember in grade school everyone getting lined up to be screened for scoliosis. Screeners would visualize the student’s spines from behind first with...

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our blogFibromyalgiaIt is estimated that as many as 12 million Americans suffer from Fibromyalgia, yet remain undiagnosed because of its elusive nature, Often it takes years to come to a diagnosis, if at all, with many people reporting their symptoms started back in...

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our blogWellnessWhy do we brush and floss our teeth? In order to prevent tooth and gum disease and keep our teeth white. Prevention is the key aspect here. We know that whether we have symptoms or not, we need to practice consistent dental hygiene because we don’t...

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Heart Rate What?

Heart Rate What?

our blogHeart Rate What?The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research just released another study, lets talk about the technology that was the focus! Heart rate variability! (HRV) HRV is a great tool that chiropractors like us at Pascal Chiropractic use in their office...

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Staying Connected

Staying Connected

our blogStaying ConnectedLife is in the nerves! The brain, through the spinal cord and nerves controls all functions in the body. The nervous system keeps our heart beating and our lungs breathing. It guides the digestion and absorption of food and the expulsion of...

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our blogWHY YOU SHOULD SEEK CHIROPRACTIC CARE:1. To live a healthy lifestyle. 2. To express your fullest potential in life. 3. To not be limited by your body. 4. To invest in yourself now for the later years. 5. To maintain the health and wellness of yourself and your...

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Rising Pressure

Rising Pressure

our blogRising PressureOver one hundred million Americans struggle with high blood pressure or hypertension in the US today. It stands as one of the most prevalent conditions affecting Americans however it is completely manageable and even preventable. Most know that...

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Father’s Day- Men’s Health

Father’s Day- Men’s Health

our blogFather’s Day- Men's HealthOften times, their own health is the last thing that dads prioritize. They work self into the ground providing for their family and ignoring the aches and pains their body uses to tell them something is wrong. Moms are great providers...

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Migraine Awareness Month

Migraine Awareness Month

our blogMigraine Awareness MonthMigraines affect many of our lives. Here are some interesting statistics from the Migraine Research Foundation: 39 million men, women and children in the U.S. experience migraines and an astounding 1 billion worldwide. Everyone either...

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Brain Awareness Month

Brain Awareness Month

our blogBrain Awareness MonthJune is Brain Awareness Month Lets talk about what how Chiropractic can help your brain function better and what the research tells us! One of our favorite chiropractic researchers, Heidi Haavik explains: “We do know that spinal function...

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Game of Health

Game of Health

our blogGame of HealthIf you haven’t watched the recent finale of the epic HBO series Game of Thrones, minor spoilers are ahead. As Dany the Mad Queen and Jon have their final conversation together, it is clear they have different visions of how to achieve the new...

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Chiropractic as an Alternative

Chiropractic as an Alternative

our blogChiropractic as an AlternativeOften times Chiropractic gets placed into this over arching category called complementary and alternative medicine. Also grouped into this category are approaches like acupuncture and Chinese medicine, massage, herbal remedies,...

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Chiropractic, Children, and Asthma

Chiropractic, Children, and Asthma

our blogChiropractic, Children, and AsthmaRecently, we have had people ask us if chiropractic can help with kids, particularly kids with asthma. I wanted to share a recent study on this topic. As chiropractors, we do not “treat” any specific condition. We make sure...

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How do allergies work?

How do allergies work?

our blogHow do allergies work?Put simply, allergies are the body’s reaction to a stimulus or substance that it has labeled as an invader. Watering eyes, coughing, sneezing and a runny nose are all the body’s attempt to flush out what it has identified as hostile. The...

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Breaking Free from Chronic Fatigue

Breaking Free from Chronic Fatigue

our blogBreaking Free from Chronic FatigueDo you or someone you know suffer from Chronic fatigue syndrome and want to gain your life back? In this week's blog, we will be discussing different ways for them to do so. Chronic fatigue syndrome an be characterized as...

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Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life

our blogLive Your Best LifeIn last weeks blog, we wanted to discuss why chiropractic is about so much more than spinal pain. If you aren’t caught up, it may be a good idea to skim over the short read as it leads us to this weeks topic: "If chiropractic isn’t about...

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Chiropractic: Not Just About Spinal Pain

Chiropractic: Not Just About Spinal Pain

our blogChiropractic: Not Just About Spinal PainChiropractic often gets associated with care of spinal pain. Many people first seek out the chiropractor when they have neck or back pain, disc or spinal joint injuries causing shooting pain down the arm or leg. But if...

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What Gives Athletes the Competitive Edge?

What Gives Athletes the Competitive Edge?

our blog What Gives Athletes the Competitive Edge? Happy Monday post Super Bowl 53! Keeping the spirit of sports alive, we wanted to touch on how athletes get that competitive edge. If you have followed any major sports over the last couple decades, chances are you’ve...

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What’s Giving Me These Headaches?

What’s Giving Me These Headaches?

our blogWhat’s Giving Me These Headaches?Many people suffer from frequent headaches and struggle to find relief. Headaches can be painfully debilitating and interfere with our ability to live our lives. Let’s talk about some tricks we can use to minimize the impact of...

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What’s the Deal with Spinal Hygiene?

What’s the Deal with Spinal Hygiene?

our blogWhat's the Deal with Spinal Hygiene?They say you’re only as young as your spine is flexible. But why is that important? The purpose of the spine is to house and protect the nervous system, and to send constant signals of feedback to and from the brain and...

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Can Chiropractic Help With My Anxiety?

Can Chiropractic Help With My Anxiety?

our blogCan Chiropractic Help With My Anxiety?In the United States, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, it affects about 40 million adults over the age of 18. As the database for...

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How to Dodge the Cold and Flu Season

How to Dodge the Cold and Flu Season

our blogHow to Dodge the Cold and Flu SeasonIt is that time of year again where we know of someone, maybe even ourselves, battling a cold or flu. So many people push their bodies to its limits during the holiday season, which makes you more prone to getting a cold or...

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Flu Season And Vitamin D

Flu Season And Vitamin D

our blogFlu season and vitamin DThe flu season is an annual time period in which there is a marked increase in outbreaks of influenza, or, the flu. The season is always during the cold half of the year in each region and travels in a predictable manner. Whats the...

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